Congress is considering new legislation that would give the Department of Justice the power to shut down websites that host pirated material. The legislation would also provide copyright holders the ability to obtain injunctions against internet companies that aid in copyright infringement.
Critics say the legislation will punish search engines that link to pirated content and, as a result, negatively impact innovation on the internet.
Hollywood music companies and movies studios are pushing for the legislation, whereas Silicon Valley giants Google, Facebook, Ebay and Yahoo say it threatens free speech and would destabilize technology on the internet.
Representative Anna Eshoo, who represents the Silicon Valley, says that an epic battle is being waged.
The LA Times reports the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (PhRMA) support the legislation because it will protect against counterfeit drugs and safeguard prescription drugs. PhRMA says it represents the country's leading pharmaceutical research and biotechnology companies.
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